Wednesday, August 31, 2005

New Forum!!!!

Now up and running! The Pit Bulls in Truth online forum! :D

It is a Free Forum, open to everyone! Please stop by and sign up to join us :)

My goal is to have a place where people can come not only talk about
the issues related to owning a Pit these days, and fighting BSL...
but also a resource for those trying to find other like-minded
people from certain areas involved in fighting BSL and promoting
the positive image of the Pit Bull.

I especially would like to encourage those of you who keep up with
meetings and BSL to help fill up the sections on BSL listed by State
so that people searching can find the information they need.

There are also areas for general discussion, stories, adoption,
resources and much more!

I need everyone's help in making this into the best and most
thorough Pit Bull forum out there!!!

Won't you join us?


Topics include......

Breed Information and History
A place to learn about the Pit Bull

A place to discuss Bully breeds and meet other people who love them!

Share with us what made you fall for the breed :D

In the news
Heard an interesting tid bit on tv or in the paper??? Please share it with us! :)

Breed Specific Legislation
BSL in general
Share your thoughts on BSL here.

Alabama - Georgia
States alphabetically listed! Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

Hawaii - Maryland
States alphabetically listed! Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

Massachusetts - New Jersey
States alphabetically listed! Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

New Mexico - S. Carolina
States alphabetically listed! Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

S. Dakota - Wyoming
States alphabetically listed! Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

Canada and the UK
Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

BSL Abroad
Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

Judge the Deed, Not the Breed
Pittie Heros!
Share with us your Pittie Hero!!! We want to show the wonderful, loving, AMAZING side of the breeds!

Wrongfully accused
Please tell us of instances where a Pit has been wrongfully accused so that the record can be set straight!

Bad apples
A place for stories of pits that have indeed done wrong. We must be fair in examining both sides, and determining how best to address this issue.

Just for the Humans
The Park

A place for all other discussion and topics not relating to Pitties.

The Laugh Lounge
Have a funny joke?? We could all use a good laugh for sure! But try and keep it clean and non-offensive please ;)

Did I leave something important out? Let me know!

Books and Reviews
Read a good book on Pit Bulls, training or dogs in general? Share it with us here! If possible, please provide a link to a site like Amazon for those who wish to purchase a copy :D

Personal Websites
Have a website pertaining to Pit Bulls? Share it with us!

BSL Websites
Know of a good website about BSL? Share it with us!

Known Offenders - DNA List
Know of a person or persons that have mistreated Pits and are still seeking to aquire them? Please let us know.

Pit Bull Rescues
Rescue Groups
Please list your rescue group here.

Transport Requests
Have a dog seeking transport to safety or a new leash on life? You can find others available to help here or offer your resources.

Pits in need of Forever Homes
Have a Pit that has been waiting for a Forever Home... post your info here.


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Please Help Stormy!

Click HERE to hear Stormy's tale!

She was left, abondoned, sick, alone, fearing death....luckily she was found, rescued and is now on a road to recovery!!!

Please help Gypsy!!

Another Dog Fighting VICTIM!!!!

Purchase a Magnetic Ribbon HERE!

Please, if you have or know of a link that belongs here...

Let us know!!! Resources are invaluable!

Shy Dog Wear

Shy Dogs come in all shapes & sizes!

Proceeds from Shy Dog Wear sales will go to a non-profit organization for dog rescue/care.

If you know of an organization that could use the funds, email me the info.

Email me a pic and I will add YOUR dog to either design for FREE!!

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This Pagans Against Animal Abuse site belongs to Angie Swihart .
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Graphics for this ring from Witch Way

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