Friday, September 08, 2006

Positive Pitbull Footage! :D

Wallace on the news

Wallace is a Frisbee dog and darn good at it! At the Championship after a tie breaker, Wallace took the second place trophy. Go Wallace!!! :D

The Dog House

Wallace is one lucky dog. Originally marked for euthanasia at the shelter, Wallace was given a new leash on life by his new family. Not only has he proved that rescued pit bulls can be great family members, but star-class atheletes as well! One of 6 dogs, he comes from a large, happy, furry family. :D If only all pitties could be so lucky!

Keep up the great work Wallace and family!


Blogger Dog advicer said...

Excellent site! Topical and well researched, this has everything a pitbull lover could want- and if it hasn't it will find it for you! I am 'beyond' impressed! Top work!!.
The Cat Health Info

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice to see someone share their good experience of the breed..the media would have us think they are satans hounds of evil, truth is, like people, a small percentage are problematic the majority are well intentioned pitbulls

8:01 PM  

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